Funeral Information

None of us may know how much time the Grand Architect has planned for us.  I realize that this is not a pleasant thing to think about.  However we owe it to our families to do everything to make our passing as easy on them as possible.  During a discussion held at our Lodge, the idea was presented that it might be helpful to provide the Brethren a form which could be printed out to complete.  The form contains important information which would assist our loved ones in not only knowing our specific wishes for our funeral, but in managing our personal and financial affairs afterward.  Make absolutely certain that you maintain this information in a secure manner, and let your loved ones know how to find it. 

After reviewing the form, if you notice any omissions or needed corrections please send me an email using the Contact button of this website.
Click on the link below and an Adobe PDF file will be displayed.  If you do not have Adobe Reader installed on your PC, most Internet browsers will direct you to the Adobe website for a free download and install. 

Funeral Planner - PDF
